TopVue Blue Blocker (5 lenses)

650 Lek
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TopVue Blue Blocker daily contact lenses

TopVue Blue Blocker are daily disposable contact lenses made from a hydrogel material containing 55% water. This, combined with the Aqua Safety Shield Layers (ASSL) Technology, will ensure that they’ll feel comfortable and natural to wear, all day long.
What makes TopVue Blue Blocker dailies so special is their ability to filter harmful blue light emitted by a wide variety of digital devices and screens.

Lenses that offer double eye protection

Thanks to the added blue light filter, TopVue Blue Blocker daily lenses provide the eyes with protection from artificial blue light emitted by man-made sources. Although blue light is part of the natural light spectrum, nowadays we expose our eyes to an excess amount of it, through the use of digital devices and screens. Working on a computer, watching television, using your smartphone, reading e-books,…. We are constantly bombarding our eyes with artificial blue light! This can easily cause digital eye fatigue and various other issues, such as a disrupted sleep cycle and - in extreme cases - accelerated age-related eye degeneration or retinal damage.
TopVue Blue Blocker daily contacts absorb 16% of all blue light with a wavelength of 400 - 450 nm.

In addition, TopVue Blue Blocker includes a built-in UV filter that protects the eyes from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Keep in mind that a contact lens only covers a small part of the eye. So, in order to fully protect your eyes, always combine lenses with a pair of sunglasses.

Të dhënat - TopVue Blue Blocker (5 lenses)

Prodhuesit: TopVue
BC: 8.60
DIA: 14.20
Paketimi : 5 lente
Mbas sa ditësh ndërrohen?: 1 ditë
Përshkueshmëria e oksigjenit: 20 Dk/t
Skadenca: 24 muaj dhe më shumë
Përmbajtja e ujit: 55%
Dioptri: nga -10.00 tek +6.00
Materiali i Lenteve: Methafilcon A
A mund të fle me këto lente natën?: Jo
Emri i Produktit: TopVue Blue Blocker
Filtër UV: Po
Blue Blocker: Po
Filter: Item is medical device: Po