Proclear Multifocal XR (6 lente)

9 000 Lek
89% rekomandon
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Çmimi për Kosovë & Maqedoni 32.14 €. =============­========================­==

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TopVue Air Multifocal (6 lente)

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  • Përshkueshmëri e lartë e oksigjenit
  • Lubrifikim me Sodium-hyaluronate
  • Rrehati gjithë ditën
Cmimi: 6 100 Lek Shko tek produkti


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Proclear Multifocal XR Contact Lenses for Correction of Presbyopia

Proclear Multifocal are monthly contact lenses produced by CooperVision, which are used to correct presbyopia. These contact lenses are designed for patients whose presbyopia reaches a high value addition – to +4.00 (ADD Power). Thanks to the unique Balanced Progressive ™ technology, Proclear Multifocal contact lenses help you achieve bright and sharp vision at all distances.

Hydration System

The moisturising PC technology works with a hydrophilic (water binding) phosphorylcholine substance which is contained in the material of Proclear multifocal lenses. Water forms on the lens surface’s protective film, and then counteracts dehydration and prevents the accumulation of deposits and impurities on its surface.

Effective solution to correct presbyopia

Presbyopia is an eye defect, but it is also a natural consequence of the aging of the human body, and affects many people in their forties. Presbyopia causes impaired vision of close subjects. Proclear Multifocal XR, thanks to its special design, are capable of correcting vision at all distances.

Note: We do not recommend buying multifocal lenses without prior advice from an eye

Të dhënat - Proclear Multifocal XR (6 lente)

Prodhuesit: CooperVision
BC: 8.70
DIA: 14.40
Paketimi : 6 lente
Add power: +1.00 D, +1.00 N, +1.50 D, +1.50 N, +2.00 D, +2.00 N, +2.50 D, +2.50 N
Skadenca: 12 muaj dhe më shumë
Mbas sa ditësh ndërrohen?: 30 ditë
Përshkueshmëria e oksigjenit: 42 Dk/t
Përmbajtja e ujit: 59%
Dioptri: nga -20.00 tek +20.00
A mund të fle me këto lente natën?: Jo
Filtër UV: Jo
Materiali i Lenteve: Omafilcon B
Emri i Produktit: Proclear Multifocal XR
Filter: Item is medical device: Po