Miru 1day UpSide (30 lenses)

3 900 Lek 3 200 Lek
90% rekomandon
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3 900 Lek 3 200 Lek
Shto në shportë Çmimi më i mirë për 30 ditët e fundit: 3 900 Lek

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Miru 1day UpSide

These contact lenses are made from an innovative silicone-hydrogel material, Midafilcon A. Miru 1day UpSide contact lenses have a daily replacement schedule. Daily lenses are considered to be the healthiest way of wearing lenses. The technologies used during the production are focused on making these lenses as comfortable and healthy as possible. The package contains 30 pieces.

Material and Surface Technology

Smart Touch™ Technology ensures healthy and clean lenses, which are easy to handle. The unique smart zone blister design causes the lens to always be the right way up, ready to wear. This makes it possible to insert the contact lens without touching the inside of the lens, thus protecting it from contamination.

MeniSilk™ Air Technology provides the lens with a high oxygen permeability while balancing out the water content for excellent hydration.

NanoGloss™ Pro Technology ensures a super smooth, low friction surface on the lens while giving the lens excellent wettability. This makes the lenses very comfortable to wear.

Të dhënat - Miru 1day UpSide (30 lenses)

Prodhuesit: Menicon
BC: 8.40
DIA: 14.20
Paketimi : 30 lente
Mbas sa ditësh ndërrohen?: 1 ditë
Skadenca: 12 muaj dhe më shumë
Përmbajtja e ujit: 56%
Përshkueshmëria e oksigjenit: 91 Dk/t
Dioptri: nga -10.00 tek 0.00
Materiali i Lenteve: Midafilcon A
Emri i Produktit: Miru 1 Day Upside
A mund të fle me këto lente natën?: Jo
Filtër UV: Po
Filter: Item is medical device: Po