Dailies TOTAL1 Multifocal (90 lenses)

15 301 Lek 14 000 Lek
99% rekomandon
Transport FALAS për këtë produkt
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Economy package of Dailies Total1 Multifocal lenses. These daily silicone-hydrogel lenses are produced by Alcon. They have an exceptionally high level of oxygen permeability and ensure comfortable and healthy wear without redness.

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Transport FALAS për këtë produkt
15 301 Lek 14 000 Lek
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Dailies TOTAL1 Multifocal Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

Dailies Total1 Multifocal are daily, silicone-hydrogel contact lenses from producer Alcon (formerly Ciba Vision). They have a variable water content. The production technology combines classic hydrogel material, which contains a high amount of water, and silicone-hydrogel, which provides the necessary oxygen permeability to the cornea. Both materials create extra comfort. The contact lenses are supplied in a pack of 90 lenses.

Read more information about Dailies TOTAL1 Multifocal contact lenses.

Të dhënat - Dailies TOTAL1 Multifocal (90 lenses)

Prodhuesit: Alcon
BC: 8.50
DIA: 14.10
Paketimi : 90 lente
Mbas sa ditësh ndërrohen?: 1 ditë
Skadenca: 12 muaj dhe më shumë
Përshkueshmëria e oksigjenit: 156 Dk/t
Përmbajtja e ujit: 33%
Emri i Produktit: Dailies TOTAL1 Multifocal
Materiali i Lenteve: Delefilcon A
Dioptri: nga -10.00 tek +6.00
Add power: HI (MAX ADD +2.50), LO (MAX ADD +1.25), MED (MAX ADD +2.00)
A mund të fle me këto lente natën?: Jo
Filtër UV: Jo
Filter: Item is medical device: Po