Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism (30 lenses)

5 000 Lek 4 200 Lek
99% rekomandon
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5 000 Lek 4 200 Lek
Shto në shportë Çmimi më i mirë për 30 ditët e fundit: 5 000 Lek

Zgjedhje e zgjuar

Gelone 1-day for Astigmatism (30 lenses)

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  • Stabilitet i lentes në pozicionin korrekt
  • Hidratim gjatë gjithë ditës
  • Bordet e holla nuk irritojnë qepallat e syve
  • Filtër UV
Cmimi: 4 150 Lek Shko tek produkti


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Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism daily toric contact lenses

Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism from Johnson and Johnson are made from a highly breathable silicone-hydrogel material, that has been treated with HydraLuxe ™ Technology. These toric lenses have a daily replacement schedule and serve to correct astigmatism with an added cylinder and axis value.

Comfortable and perfect vision guaranteed

Johnson & Johnson uses several special technologies to enhance these daily silicone-hydrogel toric lenses. Thanks to the HydraLuxe ™ Technology, these lenses are easy to wear and feel comfortable throughout the day. This is because they were coated in a substance which is very similar to physiological tears. Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism is therefore a great choice for those who suffer from dry eyes and those with an active lifestyle.

The additional Blink Stabilized® Technology ensures that the lenses perfectly stay in place throughout their wear. This technology uses the natural movement of the eyelids in order to guarantee clear vision.

Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism has an excellent UV-filter for added protection against UVA and UVB radiation. The material of the lenses is mildly tinted blue, which makes it easy to handle them.

This package of Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism contains 30 daily contact lenses.

Të dhënat - Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism (30 lenses)

Prodhuesit: Johnson and Johnson
BC: 8.50
DIA: 14.30
Paketimi : 30 lente
Mbas sa ditësh ndërrohen?: 1 ditë
Skadenca: 12 muaj dhe më shumë
Përshkueshmëria e oksigjenit: 121 Dk/t
Përmbajtja e ujit: 38%
Emri i Produktit: Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe for Astigmatism
cilinder: nga -0.75 tek -2.25
Dioptri: nga -9.00 tek +4.00
A mund të fle me këto lente natën?: Jo
Materiali i Lenteve: Senofilcon A
Filtër UV: Po
Filter: Item is medical device: Po